Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Just because ...

Sometimes, I wonder if anybody reads this thing but, regardless I keep writing anyway in hopes that somebody does. Secretly, I wish that I had a blog that everybody wanted to read and 500 people viewed it daily curious about my plain-jane life and I wish I was famous in "Blog Land". I am envious of those type of bloggers. But apparently, my older brother reads this old thing (Hi, Jesse!), regardless of who reads it, I figure that in 60 years when I'm dead, my great-great-grandchildren, will want to know how life was before flying cars were invented, right? (I am really pulling for the flying car scenario, my posterity deserves it.)

As I was talking to aforementioned elder brother the other day, we were saying how bizarre it is that it's already 2013. Seriously though, I remember when it was New Year's Eve 2000 and everybody thought there was going to be some huge blackout and the Millennium would end human existence as we knew it. I am pretty sure it was the most anticlimactic New Years. Ever. Thirteen years later, here we are, and we have all survived at least three or four "end of the world" moments. I'm so glad the world is still here. 

For New Years me and the fam-bam went on a European adventure. We visited Trier, Germany, the oldest city in Germany, which also has the oldest bridge in Germany. Bridges are one of my favorite sights to see, random, I know. We also saw Luxembourg City, Luxembourg and on our way, we stopped at the American Military Cemetery. Both places were amazing. Luxembourg is a gorgeous little city. Lastly, for New Years Eve, we headed to Brussels, Belgium and ate lots and lots of delicious goodies. Pictures are forthcoming but, traveling has made me realize how awesome the earth is. People every where are amazing and friendly. The sights are beautiful and Europe is so rich with history my eternal mate is like a 5 year old in a candy shop every time we go somewhere new. I love it. 

After we got back from our trip and we had ingested close to 20,000 calories (each) worth of processed foods and fat-kid foods and delicious European restaurant foods, we decided it was time to turn over a new leaf. Healthy eating. It's intense guys. We aren't known for our healthy eating habits. So, I cleared out the pantry of all the snacky, junk foods. I threw away all of the Christmas goodies (okay, there are still a few I can't part with ... like the white chocolate blueberry bark my mother-in-law sent us from Yellowstone. It's divine.). And I went on a shopping trip for HEALTHY foods. I was surprised when the total at the checkout was only $15 more than what we normally spend on delicious disgusting processed foods. 

Every morning, I drink a green smoothie. I love experimenting with the fruits & veggies I put in them. Some times, I am having to choke them down because the combination is disgusting. The other day, I made one with oatmeal, and it kept me full for a good 5 hours. I was impressed. Well done smoothies, well done. After I drink my smoothie, I turn on P90X. I have never hated a work-out more than I hate these. They are so awful. One, the guy is obnoxious and he never shuts-up. Second, they kick my cellulite butt! I will be the first to admit I am not in very good shape at the moment so, turning on P90X has just solidified that fact BIG TIME. But, today, something amazing happened, you see, last week when I started the dreaded Ab Ripper X, I couldn't do the sit-ups they do, or the side twists at the end (40 of them! Insanity!). But ... today ... I COULD do them (all forty!). P90X works, my friends. You will hate every second of it, but, you will love it at the same time. 

We are also trying "clean eating" ... to an extent. Have you heard about it? (THIS website is awesome, she has TONS of great recipes) You basically eat zero processed foods, no pop tarts, no frozen pizzas, no sugary cereals, etc. Last night after a dinner of homemade brown spanish rice & crispy black bean tacos (both super yummy...) my sweet husband (who could probably eat an entire rhino) says, "I'm full, but, I'm not satisfied." I looked at him a said, "That's because you're 'healthy full.'" It's a new leaf and we're loving it, mostly, I think. We even top of the night with some 85% dark chocolate Belgian heaven. It's perfect. However, I am pretty sure I can't give up pizza. There is this super yummy, grease filled pizza place here in town. I could eat their panini bread every day. They serve it with this creamy garlic sauce that makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I love Black & White pizza. 

I have to go figure out something healthy to eat for lunch now, before I pick up the phone and call Black & White.

I also just realized I wrote most of our 2013 resolutions out in a huge, long post when I really could have just listed them. 

You're Welcome. 

Happy 2013!!! 


  1. I read your blog and I love keeping up with your lives, especially with you so far away. Love you!

  2. I read your blog still! It's fun hearing about life in another country! I enjoy it :) I did p90x about a yr ago... It's tuff! Go you!!

  3. I read you blog. Well, I do now. I just added it to my blog feed reader thingy after Christmas. I like you. When I read your posts, I feel like I should know you better because you are just so fun and awesome. This post sounds very familiar to what I am experiencing right now. In fact, I feel like I could just copy and past your post onto my blog. It sounds like we're surfing the same wave. (that was a random metaphor... oh well) I'm a P90X lover/hater as well. Doesn't that guy drive you crazy!? And I'm trying to find ways to make my smoothies more filling. I'll try the oatmeal. Good idea. Good luck with all your goals! I'm super impressed that you did all the 40 side twist things. You totally rock!

  4. You don't know me but i clicked on your blog link off of Jessica Johnsons blog list. I've actually been reading your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it! Keep it up :-)

  5. Hey Jami - I check your blog when I can. I love it when people remind me on Facebook that there is a new post -- hint, hint. But mostly I love reading your posts, seeing your wonderful pictures, and still feeling connected to you all "way over there". Keep posting. :-)

  6. I love it! Champ status to you for working out (I start tomorrow). You will have to share this green smoothie phenomenon with me because I can't think of anything that has fruits and veggies that would go good together. Love your face :) And keep posting...it's entertaining!

  7. I read it! Sometimes I'm a slacker or doing other things, but I ALWAYS love your posts. You are fun and your "voice" is easy to read. You'll totally be famous one day. But I kind of think you have celebrity status already! You go with your clean/green/P90Xed self! You rock!

  8. #1) I read your blog.
    #2) I pretend to do P90X yoga, but really I've never made it through the entire video (or even half-way through, but moving on...)
    #3) I want that oatmeal smoothie recipe.
    #4) I'm going to "pin" the website you linked to because I need to eat better for the sweet baby I'm nursing.
    #5) Bravo for keeping the white chocolate blueberry bark.

  9. if no one else says it i will, you do not have a plain jane life because you live in Germany and have posted about the cool places you have seen.

  10. I hope I get the strength to one day throw out all the processed junk and eat clean! Good luck with it!

  11. I follow you ALL the time, Jami. sometimes Google gets stupid and won't let me"send" my message, but, I do love keeping up with you, Kason and Brad. I love so much reading about all the places you've been to, or seen. I have to live vicariously through your experiences there.
    I do miss not having you around...love you lots!
