Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sevilla, Spain {June 5}

Sevilla, Spain had a different feel than the rest of the Spanish towns. Maybe because it was bigger? But, it is the home of Flamenco dancing. I was kinda bummed we didn't get to see any of it while we were there but, it was still a beautiful city. 

So, the Cathedral in Spain is the third largest in Europe (3rd only to St. Peter's at the Vatican {been there} and St. Paul's in London {been there}) and it's the largest Gothic church anywhere. It's also the Cathedral with the largest area ... they are in the Guinness Book of World Records for that. AND ... it took them 120 years to build it! We thought 40 years was bad for the Salt Lake City Temple? Geez! It was massive. And gorgeous. 

That lady standing on top of the ball is a replica of the wind vane that sits on top of the clock tower ... 

The choir area has 7,000 pipes on the organ! What? That's a lotta pipes! 

Did you know that Christopher Columbus is laid to rest here? No? Well, now you do! And that clock above his tomb has been tick-tocking away since 1788! 

This room was a complete oval. I guess the Priest hangs out in this chair when they have meetings ... something like that? I can't remember now. 

Here is their Guinness Book of World Records proof! 

Next, we climbed the Giralda Bell Tower that is attached to the Cathedral, something like 37 floors. You can always count on towers and stairs in Europe. Never fails. But, the views are always so stinking worth it. (Plus, it helps me feel like I can eat whatever the heck I want)

(I spy with my little eye ... the bull ring) 

In their courtyard they have Orange Trees and their irrigation system was brilliant! Little trenches to allow the water to get to the trees ... those smart Spaniards! 

37 floors. See it? That's lots of calories burned! Thank you Europe architecture. 

Brad was pretty happy that a lot of the paint on the tile work was still bright at Alcazar whereas at Alhambra it was worn down. I was like "meh" but he was happy ... therefore I was golden. 

This was built in the 1300's and it is STILL used as royal palace! I asked if I could move in ... they told me no. Weird. 

So ... the guy who lived here, King Pedro, left his wife and then moved into the palace with his mistress. What. The. Heck? Talk about a 1300's Soap Opera! Anyway, does this look vaguely familiar? Like the Alhambra? Probably because it was designed by the same Muslims that built the Alhambra. 

Okay, so this was the 'Courtyard of Dolls' ... there were two doll faces hidden on the walls. Not sure why the dolls were there but King Pedro used this room for his more private gatherings with family and friends. 

This door was AMAZING!!!! (And Kason looks so stinkin' cool)

So, when we were taking this picture one of the workers came up and stared at us and watched the timer on the camera countdown. Then he walked away as soon as the picture was done. Weird? Awkward? Kinda nerve wracking? Yep. I thought he was going to swipe my camera! Also, I feel like I need to sing "The Primary colors are one, two, three ... red, yellow & blue!" whenever I see this picture. We blended right in. 

Typical to Europe fashion, the gardens were amazing. We were pretty burnt out of palace living for the day so we didn't wander too much but ... Brad and Kason did have a mini-water fight. We just made ourselves right at home I tell ya! 

Here is Brad hiding ... 

Carrying water to get Brad ... 

Outside there were also the Baths of Maria de Padilla ... it was an underground tub that collected rain water and back in the day, King Pedro built the bath for his mistress. He was a stand-up guy. Really. At least he wast thoughtful ... 

Plaza Nueva was AH-MA-ZING! Let me tell you - it is easily one of the prettiest city squares I have been in. As you'll soon see, I couldn't stop taking pictures! One of the Star Wars films had a scene filmed here ... and while we were there, some models were having a photo shoot. Popular place! 

These posts: love, love, love, LOVE them. 

Last, we wandered over the river to find some tiles that spelled our last name. Easily one of my favorite souvenirs of all time. The tiles are gorgeous. I was like a giddy little school girl. You see: when we were in Granada I saw them and fell in love. In Ronda I said to the husbster: "Hey, we should get some of those tiles for our house! How neat would that be to put them in our 'forever house' someday?" to which he said ... "okay! let's get them in Sevilla" ... we get to Sevilla and cannot find them ANYWHERE. None of the touristy shops had them and my heart was starting to sink. But, my dear sweet forever roomie, didn't give up! He asked someone where we could find some and she told us to head over the river and we would find ceramic stores with them. After wandering the neighborhood over the river, we didn't find any. But, right as I was about to give up, Brad guided us to the doorstep of a store that had the exact tiles I wanted. Heavenly. I honestly was so happy. He is a good man to deal with me and everything I set my heart on. I should maybe post a picture of these coveted tiles. Anyway: this view was beautiful. Any view with a river in it makes my heart swoon!

After we got some slushes and churros - we headed back to Malaga! (btw: the churros in Spain are to die for. they blow Costco churros out of the water!) 

1 comment:

  1. I want to go! Plaza Nueva...holy cow. That is beautiful. You take such great pictures and totally captured it. Love!
