Sunday, September 16, 2012


I tell ya, this place keeps us on our toes. You really never know what each new day is going to bring. If I learn one thing before we leave Germany, it might just be to "roll with the punches"., case in point, I went to go put a roast in the crockpot for dinner. Normally, if we were living in America, we could just plug the crockpot in, throw some meat in it and call it good. Germany, not so much. Because the plugs are 220v plugs, one our crockpot can't handle that voltage and two, they aren't even the same looking plugs! So, we have to use a transformer. We pulled out the big transformer (that can transfer up to 300 or something...I don't really understand all the electrical lingo) and I went to plug it into the kitchen outlets. It wasn't working and it kept flipping the breaker. We tried it in all the outlets and it just wouldn't work. We couldn't get it to work in the living room or bathroom either. Finally, we plugged it into the outlet in our bedroom and for some random reason, it worked. No breaker tripped!

So...guess where the crockpot with a roast is? Yep...sitting in the hall right outside our bedroom. Yeah. Germany, you always keep us on our toes - that's for sure! It sure gave us a good laugh and I am certain this won't be the last time Germany throws us for a loop!!!

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