Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Politics ... mingled with Religion

Oh yeah, I'm going there. 

Two topics that are often incredibly controversial, especially in my life. In fact, I lost two dear beloved Facebook friends today, I am assuming it's because I am a Christian and I have a voice that I'm not afraid to use. So, on my hour long drive today to pick up a friend from the airport, I starting thinking about all of these recent events and where else to put those thoughts down than the good old blog, right!?

{Just keep in mind: these are my opinions. my beliefs. I am not holding you to gun point and forcing you to jump on my bandwagon. Deal?}

2012 is election year. The last 4 years in America have been rocky. The economy has had some rough goes, thousands of people are unemployed which leaves them to rely on the Government for survival (More people now are on Food Stamps than 4 years ago...). Our country, as of today, has $16 TRILLION in debt. Slightly unnerving, isn't it? Or maybe it's only an issue for me because I was raised with the belief that debt should be avoided. There is this thing called, ObamaCare, that within the next few years, will become a real deal. The Government is actually forcing people to have health care ... that's like walking into the grocery store and having the manager walk up to you and say: "You have to buy this box of cornstarch. It's the rule of our store." At least, that's how I view it. Having lived through the issues of the past four years, it's easy to see that our country is slowing sliding to rock bottom. 

Well, because it was an election year, we all thought: Okay, maybe this will be good for America! We can have change of office. Or, Obama can really show us what he's got in the next 4 years! That was until the two running mates were: Barrack Obama vs. Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney, is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He is a Mormon. He is a Christian. And because of his religious beliefs, I am almost willing to bet people vowed to never vote for him just because "he is a Mormon. Doesn't matter if he's good for America. He's a Mormon, I won't do it." I cannot tell you how many times I have had to defend my religion this past year. There have been false accusations towards our beliefs. We have been accused of not being Christian. The list goes on ... all because a Mormon had enough courage to stand in the spotlight of America. Romney is a GREAT man, you can see it in his countenance. You can tell it from his upbringing and his conviction to his religion. But, some times, America isn't ready for an honest man. Sometimes, misery wants company - even if that means its in our leadership. Obama ... he's an interesting man. When I look at Obama, I see a dishonest man who is fighting a secret battle with himself as he tries to dig his way out of hundreds of lies. He has a depressed and somber look to him. A darkness about him. That feeling I get from him is much of what I feel over here in Europe at times ... but only in the areas that were previously Communistic. {Coincidence? Perhaps.} I don't agree with many of the things Obama fights for ... Abortion. Marriage Equality. ObamaCare.

(How can you kill a child who could live and breath and survive outside of the womb!?)
(Perhaps I am only against Marriage Equality because of my religious beliefs because I DO believe in Love. Everybody has the right to love. But, that's not what this comes down to. It comes down to right vs. wrong. I could write a whole post on this alone ...)
(ObamaCare ... I don't want it! I don't want the cornstarch!!!) 

The list goes on and on about Obama and I obviously am a Romney supporter. (did you catch that?) I pride myself in being a pretty good judge of character and I'm usually pretty spot on when somebody puts off a not-ok vibe and I get that yucky vibe from Obama! Anyway ... I am rambling. 

This morning, I woke up. The day after election day in America (although, it was still election day in America. Time difference is awesome.) and had a few texts from Brad, who was in the field and had been following the election coverage. It started off: Things are close! The election is close! And then it started into things like: looks like Obama is pulling ahead ... and finally: "the polls show Obama winning the election" 

When I read all his texts the first thought that came to me is: "I knew it." 
I wasn't mad, I wasn't scared, I wasn't afraid ... I just thought, "Here we go for round 2. Keep on keeping on, right?" 

Then, I started thinking ... (this is where I mingle in that religion ... just a heads up if you're allergic to the stuff.) ... Ya know? This is okay. It's gonna be okay. WE are going to be okay. And this is why:

In our religion we believe that our Heavenly Father (God) has a plan for all of us. We each have a little road map for our lives of things we should do/accomplish/goals in life. Having a "plan" stands true for the World as well. I believe that Heavenly Father reigns over all the earth, and because He does: He knows the plan for the World and for America. So ... I got to thinking, The Lord has a plan. Our Father in Heaven has a plan. Obama wouldn't have gotten re-elected if it wasn't going to fit into Their plan. What that plan is, I have no idea. I don't need to know. What matters is that I am ready for whatever is going to come. 

I like to think that I have a pretty good relationship with my Father in Heaven. He has done a wonderful job of guiding me along my path the past 27 years, comforting me when needed, allowing me to take detours to learn the lessons needed, and giving me the knowledge I need to keep going. And, even though the world has been crumbling around me, America has been falling deeper and deeper into a pit of despair, my Father in Heaven has guided me along, and I have always been okay. The country may be in shambles, but ME, individually, I am okay. My family? We are okay. We are still standing and still surviving. I give a lot of that credit to our Living Prophet, Thomas S. Monson and his Apostles. There has never been a time that they haven't known what to say in times of sorrow or when the path of the future looks uncertain. In SO many ways, they have prepared me for all of the trials I have faced in my life. As I was realizing that this morning I was filled with a reassurance that I will STILL have the blessing of their guidance in my life ... heck, they've practically kept me from going off the deep-end for 27 years. They ALWAYS know how to prepare us for the future.

It also got me thinking about my own family. Now is the time, more than ever before to turn to your family. Our children are going to be growing up in a scary world. I want my kids to feel like it's safe to turn to ME instead of turning to the outside world and become "of the world". Now is the time to build up our safety nets for our homes. Satan is going to be knocking on every single one of your doors, I guarantee it and if your "alarm system" (safety net) isn't set, he's just gonna waltz right in and pull you down with the rest of the world. In our religion, Families can be Together FOREVER, even after death. I intend to rely on my husband and my family for strength and you had better believe that Satan is going to get turned away, time & time again so that I can have that forever family. I didn't work this hard to be given an eternal family, only to have the rug pulled out from under me. 

Perhaps, during the next four years, the country will continue this downward spiral. And hopefully, that will cause those who are lost, to turn to our Savior. If our country keeps failing it's citizens, I pray that they will turn to our Savior. And that's what the Lord wants. Lots of lost people are going to be turning somewhere for help and peace ... I just pray they turn to the right place. 

Which also means, I have to live as a more devout member of the church. I have to be a better example. I have to spread the gospel. I have to share what I know. There are going to be more people now, that are searching for some help and I just might be able to give it to them. President Monson recently announced that missionaries for our church can serve at an earlier age (18 for men, 19 for women), after that announcement the applications for Missionaries increased 400%. We're talking, 400 applications a week up to 4000+ applications a week. The Lord needs missionaries out there RIGHT NOW to spread the peace and happiness and joy that comes from our gospel, especially because some people don't have anywhere to turn and they need somewhere to turn. 

Some people might see another 4 years of torture and horror with the re-election. Some people are elated that Obama is our President again. 

Me? I see the Lord's plan in full swing.

This is exactly what needs to happen. How it needs to happen. When it needs to happen. I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting nicely together. Everything ties together so perfectly it makes me giddy inside because it helps it all make sense. 

Thankfully, I don't fear for me or my family because I know where we stand with God. I don't fear for my close friends. I don't even fear for the general congregation of the church. I fear for those who are in the path of destruction of what's to come. It's bad now, and I know it's just going to get worse. Those people who don't have a solid ground to stand on ... I fear for them. I fear for the members of my family who have become lost along the way. I fear for those who have heard the truth but, have chosen to dismiss it. I fear for what is to come for those who are not prepared. 

President Monson said: "The future is as bright as your faith." 

So, for me, I am holding on tight to that faith. And I won't let go. Life is only scary if we let it scare us. Now, it's time to gear up for another four years of supporting our Commander in Chief and at this point, all I can do for him and for our country is pray ... and pray hard.


  1. I love President Monson's quote. I also love how passionate you are about your country and your religion. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Oh yeah. You went there. And you rocked it.

    Seriously! Not everyone wants cornstarch.

    But when you do, you want to be able to choose between the name brand and the store brand.

  3. Even though I am not a supporter of Romney, I am in complete agreement on the "cornstarch" of ObamaCare. Mandatory healthcare/health insurance is taking away that freedom to choose.

    I, however, was not one who opposed Romney just because he was religious. I was opposed to the idea that he planned to put his religious views and beliefs into law, and gay marriage is a perfect example. The idea that it is wrong is based in his religion, and I don't believe that anyone has the right to choose whom others can marry. I think it's important to allow churches to decide whether they will perform marriage ceremonies, but deciding who can marry whom does not belong in US law at all.

    And just a little mistake I caught. If missionary applications went up 400% that means the latest number would be 5x the original number (ie. if there used to be about 400 applicants, there would now be about 2000 applicants, or 1600 - 400% of 400 - more than before).

    Anyway, I am glad to hear that you and your family are doing well - it's been a long time since high school!

    -Rebecca Stuart

    1. 400 x 400% = 400 x 4.00 = 1,600; The real total is 4,000 applicant per week, however the number of applicants per week prior to the announcement was 700. Thus 4,000/700 = 5.71 (or 571%). Either way it is a substantial increase.

      Opposing gay marriage is a religious belief because it is basic biology whereby we were created. Males are designed to mate with females, and vice versa. Even the birds and the bees figured that out. Humans are supposed to be superior to, and thus smarter than, animals.

    2. Yes, that math makes sense (I did state in my initial comment that 400% of 400 was 1600). If the increase was from 700 to 4000, then the number of applicants now is 571% of the original (or a 471% more than the original 700 or 100%).

      My point about marriage equality is that because it is a *religious belief* (no matter what it is based on) it should not be involved in the government or in laws.

    3. World and American history is full of and completely based on religious belief. The reason why we are debating this issue is because people have decided that religion should not govern our thoughts, desires, intents, and beliefs at all. Thus, in general, we behave like animals: without morals, thinking what and when we are told, and stay loyal to our master no matter how much we are abused.

      All laws and government were made, enacted, and/or created because somebody believed something, and they most likely believed it because of their religion. Religion will always govern us, whether it is yours or mine, good or bad, organized or not.

      To discredit a law againtst marriage equaility based on religion discredits our country, the world, and our very being.

    4. As an atheist, I rely HEAVILY on the separation of church and state to protect my freedom of religion (or lack of religion, in my case) and to ensure that I am not subject to having to follow someone else's beliefs.

      I have no problem with religion governing one's personal thoughts, desires, intents and beliefs. It's when one starts to push his or her beliefs (etc) on others using the US government/laws that it becomes an issue in my eyes.

    5. Thanks for the math correction ... it never has been my strongest subject. :)

      And thanks for the discussion -- civil discussions are one of the things I love about politics, when we can agree to disagree and be respectful of other's opinions/viewpoints.

    6. Agreed! I tend to go into political discussions not really trying to convince the other party/parties (since I honestly don't expect to be able to change their minds), but rather to hopefully learn some things I didn't know or to present ideas/points of which the others might not have been aware.

  4. I saw a link to your blog from Kim Tolman's facebook page. I just wanted to say amen to everything you said I needed to read this on this morning. Thank you

    1. You are so welcome! I am glad it was what you needed.

  5. Thank you sister for being more enlightened than me. I'm definitely with you in the "keep on keepin on feeling." I'm glad I'm not the only one who wasn't completely panicking though. Thank you for putting things into perspective for me. Love you.
