Sunday, June 17, 2012

Part 3:

So, I got home Monday and by Tuesday ... we were missing each other like crazy! (Pathetic, right!?) I was talking to Brad Tuesday and he kept asking me all sorts of random questions: what my weekend plans were, when I got off work Friday, and what my work schedule was like the following week. I answered him, not thinking anything of it. Then, he told me he had just bought plane tickets to come visit me that weekend!! I was pretty excited that he surprised me and was coming!! 

Some time that week I went with my girlfriends to go look at engagement rings. It was a pretty surreal feeling  being there looking at rings and realizing that this was all for reals. I remember freaking out a bit and wondering if I was really doing the right thing but, I was assured I was exactly where I needed to be. I found two rings that I absolutely loved and it was a lot of fun to look at the rings with my girlfriends. 

Friday came and I was actually stuck at work for 4 hours before I could actually see him...that was horrible! But, as soon as I did get to see him, it was pretty fantastic. That night we went to dinner with some of his friends at Brick Oven and it was fun to get to know some of them and see him in HIS comfort zone. Then Saturday I am pretty sure I had a work meeting and Brad stayed home with Kason. I do remember Saturday night we went out with my best friend and her boyfriend (who is now her husband!). I had to get their approval! Right after dinner we drove down to the mall so I could show Brad my top ring choices. We decided on which ring we both liked and decided to go back Monday and buy it. 

Sunday ... I am pretty sure we just went to church and hung out at the house. I honestly don't really remember. How awesome is that? Anyway ... Monday morning I DO remember that we went down to the mall again and bought me some bling! I was pretty excited. We had to send it off to get resized and then we would be good to go. Right after that we hurried up to the airport to drop Brad off at the airport. I remember right after we dropped Brad off, Kason started crying. He loves him SO much it makes my heart so happy ... but, it sucks to see him miss him as much as he does. I hate that part! But, we knew we would be seeing each other again the next weekend because it was his last weekend before he left. Plus, my parents were coming to visit and we needed to go visit his parents. It was going to be a crazy weekend because well ... we also had to get engaged!! :)

(Side Note: It's so fun writing this 5 months after getting engaged and looking back on all the memories and experiences we went through together!) 

1 comment:

  1. I should be sleeping! But I was blogging and then realized I never put your new blog into my blog roll. So then I looked it up and hello! I've been sitting here reading your story for the last WAY TOO LONG, but it is SO DANG CUTE! I'm so happy for you guys. What an awesome thing. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. My heart is so happy right now.
