Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ronda, Spain {June 3}

Monday we spent the morning at the beach (Heavenly, let me tell you! More on that later ...) and then that afternoon we headed up the curvy mountain road to Ronda, Spain. It was well worth the car sickness. Ronda is beautiful!

The first stop was the bull fighting arena. Did you know that they still have bull fights in Spain to this day? Isn't that crazy? We were hoping to catch one while we were there but, didn't really feel like driving 4 hours to do so. We settled for an empty arena. 

Our little Bull Fighter: 

Big enough for a man ... too narrow for a bull. You definitely would want this near by as a quick escape if the bulls were loose! 

This is where the kept the bulls. The engineering was pretty clever - you could open the doors from up top so you didn't even have to be near the angry bulls when they were let loose. Then, there was only one direct route from here to the arena. 

The views in Ronda were amazing. Brad was obsessed with the farm country. Idaho boy through & through. 

Oh, check out this bridge!! It made my bridge loving heart SO happy. Seriously, that bridge was amazing. 

The view from the top of the bridge: 

We hiked down towards the bridge and ended up exploring up, over, under and the yonder regions of the bridge. So much fun and Kason was in heaven exploring. Okay, let's be honest - Brad was, too. I was just there for the pictures! ;) 

I wish we could have figured out how those people got over there ... but we never did find the route: 

I had Kason pose so I could try and get a family picture. Neither of the pictures turned out but, isn't he adorable? 

There was a random chair just hanging out there ... you can't pass up a photo prop opportunity like that!

Again. That BRIDGE! So amazing.

This was the view of the Mediterranean Sea on our drive back through the mountains. The picture doesn't really do it justice. It was amazing. But it was a nice break for me to get some fresh air. Those roads weren't kind for car sickness. 

Loved Ronda! So beautiful!!! 

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