Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter: 2013

Easter is always pretty low-key around this house. Nothing too fancy. I have sworn the last two years that the Easter Bunny wasn't even going to come to our house but, he's come anyways because my motto for being a fun mom wins. But, seriously, why do we have to have the Easter Bunny? And why is Santa ok (in small doses) but the Easter Bunny is just a hassle? Maybe next year he won't come ... 

Brad had been gone all of March and then in the hospital the whole week prior to Easter (small surgery/procedure but, the doctor's kept him there for 4 days. Loads of fun) so, we were overly anxious to have him home after a month of him being gone! So, when he got home Friday night we colored some hard-boiled eggs! 

I can't remember the last time I colored eggs and to be honest, I don't know that Kason has ever colored eggs with me. (My mom, yes. Me? Doubtful) Poor kid.

But, we had fun. It was fun to see the creations these boys came up with. 

Friday night the Easter Bunny did come. In Germany, they don't sell the plastic Easter Eggs that open and you can put candy inside of them, so the Easter Bunny only hid the hard-boiled eggs. He hid them kind of hard (*cough* Brad *cough*) and it was cold outside Saturday morning so, we were trying to hurry but we couldn't find them all!!! 

Behind Kason you can see a very traditional Easter Egg Tree. They are everywhere here in Germany. Easter Egg Trees, Easter Egg fountains ... all over. 

I didn't even take any Sunday pictures of Easter. We went to church. We came home. We ate delicious Easter dinner (ham, rolls, baked sweet potatoes and deviled eggs.) 

It was perfect. And I have a whole year to decide if the Easter Bunny will return next year ... 

Frohe Oster! 

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