Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome to our Home: Germany Style

I like our home. I don't love it. But, it works for us! I also want to remember it when we are living stateside again. We live in a house with an elderly German couple. They don't speak a lick of English, that always makes things interesting and slightly awkward every time we see them. I always hope it's morning so I can say "Morgen" otherwise, they don't usually get a greeting. I really wish I spoke German. Anyway, the elderly couple own the house and they live on the main level. We are basically "attic dwellers" Or, in German terms, we live on the first floor (the main level is "level zero") 

So, here it is. Our home, in all it's German glory. Our Jeep BARELY fits into that garage there on the left. It's always a pretty tight squeeze. 

If you walk in between the garage and the house, you walk up some stairs and then you get ... our front door! They automatically lock once they shut, so make sure you ALWAYS have your key with you to prevent getting locked out...our landlady always puts cute little decorations out for each holiday. Kason loves them. 

Once you buzz us, we will let you in ... 

Here's our staircase ... it's really not a big deal, unless you've just done a huge shopping trip, or you have a basket of laundry in your arms, then it's a pain! (Our laundry room is in the basement) 


When you first walk in you get an eye-sore. Sorry about that! I hate this room. It's ugly and honestly, I don't know what to do with it. We don't have furniture to fill it up, so it has the ever-so-ugly Army couches in it, among other random odds and ends. It's really a pointless room. I wish they had just knocked out that wall and made the living room bigger. Oh well ... 

Turn to the left, and you have our "hallway". All three bedrooms are down this way, as is the bathroom. Lucky for you, the bathroom was clean today. Unfortunately, the bedrooms are not. So, you get to imagine our bedrooms. They have beds and dressers ... really nothing exciting. I promise. 

Sometimes, I dream about a normal American bathroom....

Turn around ... walk straight ahead and you'll walk into our Living Room! I love this room. For me, it's the most comfortable room in the house. It's where we spend most of our time and lots of laughter goes on in here. (Try to ignore that those curtains are a foot too short ... I bought them on a guesstimate of the window size AND they're better than the lace ones that were there ...)

I love that we have a balcony. Today, it was nice enough outside to open up that door and enjoy and nice breeze and SUNSHINE!!! This is our view from the balcony:

Those blue skies are beautiful. I sure wish we got to see them more often. 

Alright, back inside. To your left, from the balcony door, is the kitchen. I swear our kitchen is straight out of the IKEA catalog. I'm not complaining ... I love it. And I even have the Farenheit to Celcius conversion down pat (well, mostly down pat). 

The door to the right is our pantry. We are one of the lucky few in Germany to have a pantry. They're a rare luxury around these parts! 

The other side of our kitchen has our table ... (see those beautiful lace curtains?) 

To the left of where I am standing is another door that goes out to the "ugly room" ... so, basically, it's a big old circle. That makes it fun for indoor tag...

And there you have it! 

That's our home! It's not perfect ... but, it's home. 

Thanks for coming to visit! ;) 


  1. Gutten Tag is what you say during the day. Made me giggle though. My sisters came over to visit & between the French, Spanish, English & teensy, weensy German I knew at the time we managed to tour a museum & actually understand what they were telling us! Love your adventures in Germany. Brings back lots of memories.

  2. Basically it's adorable. I love it. And one day when you're stateside again, you can look back and laugh and your kiddies won't ever believed you lived in a place like this! Love you!

  3. Oh, it is so cute! What fun memories you must be making over there. And that view is gorgeous! I could look at it all day long. Thanks for the fun tour!

  4. I love your place! It's super cute. It's an ideal place for a girls' movie night. I know because I helped test it out. :)
